Purple Songs Can Fly Donors
We are indebted to the following donors who contributed to Purple Songs Can Fly between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023:
Purple Partner: (Gift of $2,500 or more)
James Babcock
Charles & Lisa Cusack
Ray C. Fish Foundation
Pamela Griffin & Gene Minnich
Parth Mehta
Dusten Moore Charitable Foundation
The Periwinkle Foundation
Thomas & Sarka Posey
Steen Family Foundation (in honor of Charles & Lisa Cusack)
Texas Commission on the Arts
Asha & Farid Virani
Purple Patron: (Gift of $1,000 - $2,499)
Steven D. Arnold
Robert Bonafide
Sonja Bruzauskas & Houston Haymon
Tyri & David Centanni
Greg & Marie Halvatzis
Burdine Johnson & Christophe Venghiattis (in honor of Kathryn Kruse)
Nicholas Koch
Kathryn Kruse
National Endowment for the Arts
Ken & Ruth Procter
David & Allie Pruner
Laura & Michael Puzio
Steve Tredennick
Purple Benefactor: (Gift of $500–$999)
Karen Baughn
Brigitte Z. Bosarge
Hilary Brawner
Ann Bugh (in memory of John Bugh)
Regina Elliott & John Conway
Sidney Faust (in memory of Don Faust)
Bob & Carole Koehne
Suzy & Bob LaForge
Timothy Porea
Christopher Rasmussen
Jeffrey Riley
Sigma Sigma Sigma Alumnae Chapter (in memory of Mary Lou Williams, Judith Makowski and Karl Jordan)
Aimee & Wynne Snoots, Jr.
Beth Sojourner
Cay Taylor
Richard Trevino
Kathy Welch (in memory of Betty Adam)
Vicki Whitaker
Larry Wiley
Allenda & Chuck Wolfmueller (in memory of Jon Wolfmueller)
Purple Supporter: (Gift of $250–$499)
Mary Axelrad
Bedhead Marketing
Diana & Ron Boihem
Martha Bowles & Scott Rainey
Gilbert Cote
Claire Cusack McGlashen
Judy Dines
Melissa Dobrowski
Refolia Eddie
Georgianna Fairchild
Stephen J. Edwards
Mark Kaufman & Janet Wong
Frances Koelsch Jeffries
Shannon Mann
Collie Michaels
Mark Parrott
Vickie Pierce
Pledgeling Foundation
Janet Rarick
Michael & Melissa Santiago
Robert & Dixie Shelton
Whitney Smith-Bogardus
Richard Stoneburner
Martha Williams
Sandy Wolfmueller (in memory of Karl Kruse)
Purple Friend: (Gift of $100–$249)
Kevin Coombes & Lynne Abruzzo
Inga Alanne
Ariela Alpert
Kathy Andrews
W. Marjo Avé-Lallemant
Linda Barbone
Mary Barlow
Jason & Veronica Barr
Stefanie Barthmare
Don Bertram
C.E. Blankenship
Julia Bogorad-Kogan
Caroline Bowles
Faith Breen
Susan Radley Brown
Leone Buyse & Michael Webster
Ginger Clarkson
Anne Colbert
Kathleen Cusack
Brad Dalton
Michelle & Javier del Pino
Brian & Leah DelSignore
Bill & Fran Dendy
LeAnne Doescher
Megan Friar & Ron Drotos
Linda & Mark Evans
Becky Freeman
Michael Gleason
Fred Groff (in memory of Jack L. Groff)
Raouf Hadad
William Hagan
E. Marie Henry
James & Kelle Hill
Amanda Jones
Brad Jones
Jennifer Keeney
Mary Nell Kemper
Shirley Knigh
Stan Kruse
Karen & Seth Lerner
John Lopez
Stanica Matijevich
Long Nguyen
Phyllis Prange (in memory of Al Baxter)
Julie & Keith Rae
Annette & Jeff Ransom (in honor of Tricia Fox-Ransom)
Larry Ratajczak
Joan Richardson
Paul & Annette Shapiro
Michael & Sharna Shirl
Michael Shreiber
Thomas B. Smith
Michael & Valerie Sonsino
Susan Steely
Laura Taylor
Texas First Bank
Brandon Ward
Thebe Warren
Rodney Waters
Al & Carol Younkin
Purple Pal: (Gift of $50–$99)
Jeffrey Allen
Pat & Peter John Bagnato
Belinda Bailey
Nancy Bradford
Harmon & Georgia Brotnov (in memory of Jeffrey H. Braatne, Ph.D.)
Martha Butler
Allen & Cathy Cader
Selena Choi
Kate Dalton
Robert & Julie Dayton
Jim Fithian & Ana Garcia
Seth Freedman
Christina Guenther & Ron Petti
Robert A. Hodges
Thomas & Csilla Horvath
David LaDuca
Isabelle Long
Charles Neath
John Singer
April Thomas