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Rock That Cancer!

"Rock That Cancer!" —Maison, 9


Here is what happens when you get cancer

Lose hair, stay in a hospital bed

Too much Jello, sick to my stomach

Lots of pokes from needles, don't wanna be fed

Hard to explain what's going on in my head


I will survive, you will survive too

Rock that cancer right outta your body

Rock that cancer right out of you


It ain't easy, but it gets better

My wish trip was the best thing ever

Santa, Mickey, and my mom right beside me

With all this support and help from above

We can get through this with all of our love


I will survive, you will survive too

Rock that cancer right outta your body

Rock that cancer right out of you


I will survive, you will survive too

Rock that cancer right outta your body

Rock that cancer right out of you


I will survive, you will survive too

Rock that cancer right outta your body

Rock that cancer right out of you


© 2011 Purple Songs Can Fly

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